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Tour: 14D10N Best of Eastern USA and CanadaDep Date: 27 Sep 2018Tour Manager: Timothy Wee(Recommended by our 2017 tour manager: Kim Ng)Overall itenerary is comprehensive and well planned. We were absolutely impressed by the professionalism of our tour manager Timothy reason being:1. The tour group size of 41 pax initially turned us off as this is the first time we were travelling in such a big group. However, we managed to enjoy ourselves as Timothy is very engaging in sharing his life stories and having inspirational conversations during long bus rides. He will also request us to question him and even if he hits questions that he is unsure, he will make sure he finds out the answer for us. His willingness to share and learn is a plus point for his working attitude!2. In such a big tour grp size, there are bound to have different opinions and preferences. Our itenerary was swopped for the last day and 2nd last day as tour manager felt that it would be good to give us more time at outlet shopping so that we can do our packing and nyc is also nearer to the airport for the last day's departure. We totally agreed with his idea as this is the thing that initially hindered us from signing the package as who will be doing outlet shopping for their last day of their tour and expect us to pack while rushing to the airport? We really appreciate his arrangement for the tour itenerary and being flexible and while he made the difficult final call for the swop in the itenerary, he did not fail to still open to the ground for discussions.3. We were irritated by a few grp members due to their ridiculous comments and actions during the trip. They even selfishly started instigating internal arguments within the group towards our tour manager, which was such an eye sore. Every other days creating problems for Timothy, which we really pity him. Nonetheless, we salute to Timothy's patience towards them and his quick wittedness in turning all these unnecessary demands into his personal challenges and handling their ridiculous demands professionally.(Judging by how ridiculous the demands of the passengers, we were impressed that Timothy continued to stay his cool and not a single day he showed his anger towards them. He is very good in managing difficult clients.)4. He is always very alert, and quick in reacting for situations. Eg. There is a car doing a reverse, a passenger was behind the vehicle, he hurriedly ran to warn the passenger to move away from the moving vehicle. There are times when the coach driver made the wrong turn, he was also very quick in highlighting to the coach driver preventing delay in the tour.We truly appreciate his attention in details and top notch service we received from him during this trip. Thank you so much Timothy and we highly recommend him!Aside to our previous tour manager in 2017- Kim Ng, we would like to also extend our gratitude towards the great customer service we received from her ensuring the booking of our tour package goes on smoothly and also montoring for us on promotions and awesome follow up/ after sale services she has provided. She is also the reason why we continued with EU holidays this year!EU holidays should be proud to have 2 remarkable staffs. We sincerely thank them for the awesome service they provided!

Tho Wei Li

  • Tour: 09USECSS27/18EK
  • Tour Manager:
  • Date: -

Tour:14D10N Best of Eastern USA and Canada (Autumn exclusive)Date:27th sept 2018-11th October 2018Tour manager: Timothy WeeThis was our first time traveling with Eu Holidays Pte Ltd to Eastern USA&Canada. Initially, we were not expecting much from the tour, thinking it would be quite dry but our tour manager, Timothy, made the trip very enjoyable and memorable for us which made us very impressed with Eu Holidays and would consider booking our next trip with Eu Holidays if Timothy is our tour guide! The itinerary is also well planned and we enjoyed most of the attraction sites, especially in Canada.Our tour manager Timothy is very caring and responsible in ensuring all of our safety throughout the trip. We also managed to see the beautiful maple leaves which made the trip even better!We were really lucky to have him as our tour manager and we felt that no one could have done a better job than him.He was very patient throughout the trip and he also share tips and advice for us to ensure we have a smooth and safe trip.Always with a big smile on his face, his bubbly personality always put a smile on our faces as well, even when we are tired from all the traveling.We love his sense of humor and he made the bus rides more enjoyable as he shares stories and jokes to brighten everyone’s mood.With such a big group of 41 pax, Tim tried his very best to accommodate to everyone’s needs which is very challenging but he managed to do it, which is a trait of a well experienced tour manager. He took good care of everyone. Kudos to him!!We all felt his genuine care for his guests.

Ai Geok

  • Tour: 09USECSS27/18EK
  • Tour Manager:
  • Date: -

My13days trip in Eastern Europe guided by tour manager Rin leow.The tour itinerary was well planned, hotel stayed are comfort and tour meals also fantastic.The local driver and guides are professional on duty. Our tour manager was well taking care of the tour members.she is good in speaking and also an good photographer too.Well done, Euholidays for an memorable trip.

Trevor Trevor

  • Tour: 09EEMUCS21/18QR
  • Tour Manager: RIN LEOW
  • Date: 20/09/2018 - 03/10/2018

Tour 09EESJJS27/18QR. 11 D8NBALKAN DELIGHTThis trip by EU Travel has been most delightful.Our Tour Manager, Mr. Lubis was instrumental in making my first trip a memorable one. He was indeed very responsible, entertaining and resourceful. He ensured that the tour group members' needs were met. To the best of his abilities. The group members were co-operative, helpful and looked after one another. Compliments to not only Mr. Lubis,the Tour Manager but also to our Coach Driver. The latter drove excellently with superb skills. Our thanks to Mr. Lubis who had contributed much to make my first trip an enjoyable one. Cheers!

Tay Jennie

  • Tour: 09EESJJS27/18QR
  • Tour Manager: SYAFI LUBIS
  • Date: 26/09/2018 - 07/10/2018

Balkan delights 11D departure 27 September 2018First time travelling with group tour led by Lubis from eu holidays. Enjoyed the lakes, caves and beautiful scenery. Trip was made more memorable because of our group manager, Lubis who took very good care of us from beginning to end. He is responsible, kind, caring and reliable. His warmth and friendliness helped us to mingle with one another in the group, thereby making us feel at ease and comfortable.

‎Helen Sherrmaine Tay

  • Tour: 09EESJJS27/18QR
  • Tour Manager: SYAFI LUBIS
  • Date: 26/09/2018 - 07/10/2018

@Lubis is easily the best guide ever. We just returned from the Balkan Delight. It was the small details Lubis did that differentiated him from the rest: paying for everyone to use public toilets, ensuring the elderly are ok, making videos when the group mates did not know how to operate certain things in the hotel rooms. He was the saving grace when we had bad experience with a certain freelancer 2 years ago in Spain.

Fe Lix

  • Tour: 09EESJJS27/18QR
  • Tour Manager: SYAFI LUBIS
  • Date: 26/09/2018 - 07/10/2018

Completed a eastern Europe tour to Croatia/Bosnia/ Slovenia (12D9N adventure to the balkans) with Jeremiah Tan as tour leader today. Had a fantastic holiday with hubby. Good weather, tour program & tour members. Special commendations to Jeremiah for being a sincere & professional tour leader who kept the tour interesting & fun.

Yong Choo Tan

  • Tour: 09EEBALS26/18EK
  • Tour Manager: JEREMIAH TAN
  • Date: 27/09/2018 - 07/10/2018

Joined the 12days Adventure Balkans Tour. Affordable price, accommodation & meal were pretty good! I met with the most professional Tour Manager that I ever had. Jeremiah has done an awesome job �����! Hopefully will have an opportunity to follow his tour again�! Thanks Jeramiah for providing us with an enjoyable & memorable vacation�

Mimi Chan

  • Tour: 09EEBALS26/18EK
  • Tour Manager: JEREMIAH TAN
  • Date: 27/09/2018 - 07/10/2018

5 StarsTour Name: 12D9N Adventures to the BalkansTour Dates: 26 Sep 2018 - 7 Oct 2018Tour Manager: JeremiahThis was my first tour group with EU Holidays. We had an enjoyable, memorable and fun trip with Jeremiah. Jeremiah is professional, caring, honest, humorous and fun loving with lot's of stories and experiences to share with us. Thanks Jeremiah, you have done a good job.

Siao Ping Tan

  • Tour: 09EEBALS26/18EK
  • Tour Manager: JEREMIAH TAN
  • Date: 27/09/2018 - 07/10/2018

Tour: 13D10N Italy-Switzerland-Paris + 2N DubaiDate: 13-28 Sept 2018Tour Manager: Paul TeeSales Consultant: RinInitially was just expecting just average old school itinerary style "Touch and Go" when signed up for this tour package. Also Kudos to the sales consultant also for recommend this tour. During this trip , Mr Paul Tee gave us knowledge and survival tips in Europe which is valuable so that will not end up victims of pickpockets. He is also a Photographer who took great photos and make me and my wives look like supermodels. He also give reviews on where to get cheap and good food during our free and easy duration so that we will not waste any euros on horrible food. But most valuable is Mr Paul helps all tour members to break the ice on the very first day so that we all can click earlier and the tour will be more fun. Finally he also have voodoo power to bless every day in europe is a happy day. So Well Done Mr Paul!

Hanwen Choong

  • Tour: 09ECERPS13/18EK
  • Tour Manager: PAUL TEE
  • Date: 12/09/2018 - 27/09/2018

Tour: 13D10N Italy-Switzerland-Paris + 2N DubaiDate: 13-28 Sept 2018Tour Manager: Paul TeeWho says 'mystery trip deals' are the necessary trend now for travels? For our 31pax group to Europe, planned traditionally as it is by EU Holidays but we still get to appreciate the extreme fun & excitement its Tour Mgr Paul Tee injected to it!!My hubby Jason & I were 1st time with EU Holidays & 1st-timers to Europe. No regrets to our choice on package tour this time round.Tribute to Paul & our coach captains Mr Arthur & Mr Petro. Because of Paul's bubbly & steady character, we benefitted from a very FULFILLING plus SAFE & SECURED trip. Million likes to both coach captains mentioned above for going the extra mile in safeguarding our belongings in their coach. If you ask me, it's a MUST in Europe if you would like to enjoy & be worry-free at the same time.Prior to trip, Paul was very responsive to our queries. Additionally, all individual tickets up 'Eiffel Tower' were thoughtfully PRE-BOOKED online by him WEEKS-IN-ADVANCED; purpose was to cater for us a much more shortened queue time.During the trip, his jovial nature livened every single tour member. We were a bunch of unique 'honeymoon couples' + a family but due to him, we are well-bonded as a big family. He organized bonded sections for us out of his personal rest space, which touched our hearts as we all witnessed how he holds his job with high esteem, always willing to sacrifice for customers' satisfaction. Even on F&E hours, he is never off-duty & always pre-empt us of thoughtful/safety info. I had minor foot injury but our big family with Paul really showered me with care & concern. Thanks to all for helping me had a speedy recovery.Lastly, it is never a wrong move to ensure that precious moments were captured during trips. Paul was enthusiastic in extending his service by helping ALL couples/family in taking photos at most landmarks/magnificent scenes, though it is not obligatory of a Tour Mgr.Someone from our group commented that despite the cold temperature up at the mountains, Paul was seen taking photos for some of us without his gloves on! Because of these, I really salute to him for using his full heart to serve us. I knew he did all these for us not expecting any return but rather it's his strong passion for his job that drives him to give willingly. At the same time, I am grateful that we have this valuable gift granted from him (our Europe photo album) to keep for life that my hubby & I would never forget!!I have nothing much to pick on Paul but for 6-Star excellence award, personally as a lady I would advocate just a little bit more on recommendations for some unique accessories buy (since this is a stylist ctry). Having said that, can you imagine I still managed to get some nice earrings at an out-city shopping mall arranged by Paul? Isn't he fabulous?Cheers to all. We are missing him already & looking forward to the next trip with him mannnn! His humorous characteristic is definitely his unique strength & I sincerely hope EU would treasure him as he had proven to be a great asset to the company! We love selfless & caring Tour Managers like him :)Luv, 'Young & Dangerous' Big Family

Ca'rey CK

  • Tour: 09ECERPS13/18EK
  • Tour Manager: PAUL TEE
  • Date: 12/09/2018 - 27/09/2018

11D8N Europe Highlight 18-28 September 2018 Tour Manager: Ms. Nichole LimMs. Nichole Lim has comprehensive knowledge in Europe history & excellent in explaining the details of the highlight of places in every part of the itinerary program. Throughout the program, she is able to organize the itinerary (travel plan) to be punctual, safe, healthy and sustainable journey. With her humble personality, warm-hearted, diligent attitude, very discipline and passionate about her work as a tour manager, we wish she can continue to upkeep the good standards & strive to the best in her future leadership and professionalism in EU Holidays Pte Ltd.

Tan Chia Wei

  • Tour: 09ECCHLS18/18EK-N
  • Tour Manager: NICHOLE LIM
  • Date: 17/09/2018 - 28/09/2018

We recently went for a 13D-10Days Footprint package tour of about 35 persons to Europe. It was Beautiful and memorable tour.The tour leader John is very responsible of taking good care of us and always looking out for our safety. And bringing us for Optional tours upon our request. John crack jokes during our journey and share with us historical and general information at every place of interest/country/city we visited in both languages so that we can appreciate and enjoy our trip. In London Big ben was under renovation since last year Eu didnt mention about this to us we was disappointed. But Overall it was a beautiful trip we did enjoyed .Thank you Eu for the Europe tour.

Devason Francis

  • Tour: 09ECCFPA09/18EK
  • Tour Manager: JOHN FOO
  • Date: 08/09/2018 - 21/09/2018

10D7N Italy FiestaTour Manager: JiafuHad a wonderful trip with EU Holidays. The itinerary is well planned, full of attractions throughout the 7 days. Our tour manager Jiafu worked round the clock to ensure that our tours went through smoothly. Having travelled to Italy a lot of times, he was well aware of the threats of pickpockets and scammers roaming amongst the tourists attractions. He constantly reminded us to look after our belongings; for which I am truly grateful to that. We had a close call but no incident at all due to his constant reminders. He also translated the tour guides’ history lessons for those non-English speaking families, as well as constantly injecting humour in his stories to keep them lively. As we left the tour group midway to continue with our Europe tour, he went beyond his duty to ensure that we have proper transportation to the airport. He also texted us constantly to make sure that we reached our destination safely. Kudos to Jiafu! I highly recommend him to anyone!

Gao Chunxi Adrian

  • Tour: 09ECCIFA13/18EK
  • Tour Manager:
  • Date: -

11D8N Romantic Greece 21 September 2018 to 01 October 2018Tour Manager: Luke SohI’d like to express my gratitude and thanks to Luke Soh for his professionalism.We’ve met with the “Medicane” - cyclone in Greece during our stay at islands, Mykonos & Santorini. With that, all ferry providers are closed and we have to stay three nights at Mykonos & two nights at Santorini respectively.Luke is calm and has great crisis management skills. He diligently liaise with the local travel agency and contacted Singapore office and make necessary arrangements for all 27 tour mates. He kept us updated regularly via our group chat on the situation.With the disruption of our travel plans due to this natural disaster, he continued to plan our daily activities and make us feel at ease and enjoy ourselves thoroughly.Most importantly, it was with great relief that he had initially made changes to our itinerary, i.e, to have the Athens city tour done on the first day instead of having it at the last day (as stated in the itinerary). Otherwise, we would have miss to visit places of interest like The Acropolis, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Panathenaic Stadium, etc.In our group chat, it was shown that all of us were very grateful to Luke for his careful logistics and planning.All 28 of us, including Luke, made it back to Athens on 30/09/2018 when the ferry provider reopen the ferry service to have us transferred back from Santorini to Athens. With the rushing from sea port to airport, we finally manage to catch our two international flights back from Athens to Istanbul & Istanbul to Singapore.Luke had indeed made this Greece tour an exceptional memorable one for us!Would like to thank Luke once again for everything he has done for us and would like to congratulate EU Holidays for having an asset in having Luke as a staff!Would recommend both EU Holidays and Luke to all my friends and relatives!Well done Luke! Hope to travel with you again in near future!RegardsAdelene Tan

Adelene Tan

  • Tour: 09MGATHS21/18TK
  • Tour Manager: LUKE SOH
  • Date: 20/09/2018 - 01/10/2018

Just had an enjoyable trip (13-28 Sep) to central Europe with EU Holidays. Our multi-talented tour manager Paul Tee was exceptional; attentive to the needs and safety of everyone in our tour group, while also ensuring we had a fun and enriching experience.

Dx Lim

  • Tour: 09ECERPS13/18EK
  • Tour Manager: PAUL TEE
  • Date: 12/09/2018 - 27/09/2018

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