Hi Michael, 我们是东歐6—4—18游玩的旅客.这—次的旅游让我发现了比我更幽默的Michael。你很有稿笑天份,逗我们开心。又有责任感。
Sew Tee Tan
I was with a group of four who opted for EU Holidays for the first time and decided on the 12D10N Discover Balkans departing April 04th and off we went not expecting much. But to our most pleasant surprise the tour was above our expectations. The places visited, the food and the hotels were all above par and I think everyone were happy with the choices made. Special mention for food was the seven course Chinese lunch, which can only be described as " extraordinarily good ". Also for special mention, Elvin Mok our Tour Manager. He is very experienced, responsible and helpful. He understands the Singaporean mindset and applied that instinct in managing the group very well ( he even brought sambal chilly ! ) He pops jokes, tell funny episodes at the right time under right circumstances and gave time to rest also at the right time, This we all appreciated. Although there were two minor hiccups - the allocation of seats on the way to Belgrade and the location of Mercure Hotel at Munich, the overall holiday was terrific and I would recommend anyone who wants to visit the Balkans to go with EU.
Harry Chia
Just ended my tour this morning and I can't wait to give our tour manager, Paul Tee a big thumbs up for his service. He is very knowledgeable, resourceful, help and patient. Paul is willing to go the extra mile for the tour members. He even made an efford to walk us around the vicinity when we opt not to join the optional excursion while waiting for other tour members to finish their cruise tour, helped us to change money at the money changer when everyone was reluctant to get off the bus and walk under the sunny and hot day in Dubai, helped us to carry our luggage on/off load the bus and in the airport. He took good care of the tour members and he will make sure we get sufficient toilet breaks along the journey, and recommended us the places to get food when meals weren't included.We are glad that we are lucky to meet a good tour manager to lead the tour. His service is far beyond our expectations and my family enjoyed the trip a lot. Thank you Paul once again. =)
This was my first time traveling with EU Holidays and we (8 of us) had no regret with our choice. Merit to be given to our Tour Manager which made our trip so enjoyable and memorable.John was friendly, patience, responsible and humorous too. It was never bored traveling between places. He was chatty to get the tour members to bond together.He never failed to remind us to take guard of our belongings. Providing daily morning calls and weather update so that we will put on appropriate clothing to keep oneself warm. He also informed which money changer offered the best exchange rate as we need to change local currency in Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic. When I was unable to get the Czech money on time, he loaned some to me first.He went the extra mile to dapao food for some. He made surprised Birthday celebration for one of the lady on her birthday. When this lady was down with sore throat, I saw him quickly offered his last 2 tablets of Lozenges.The tour was well paced due to his flexibility.We are looking forward to travel with EU Holidays for our next destination.
Koh Lily
We couldn’t have asked for any better manager. Eddie tells us stories when we need them, knows exactly when to stop for our power naps, even downloaded his own collection of music for our nap time.. how pampered are we!! EU’s gotta keep him around!! Another review with a classic pic by Wes will show just how much fun we had on the snowy mountain In Switzerland! Can’t wait for our next trip with EU, hopefully we get Eddie as our tour manager again!!
Cindy Tan
With a heartbeat, 20 of us would rate our Tour Manager, Eddie Ong "Excellent!"We are extremely grateful to have him as our Tour Manager, as he is always so energetic and jovial, always warming us with his sunshine smile. We felt his concern throughout the trip, he displayed his commitment by ensuring our well-being wherever we went; he could share and answer almost all related questions about the places we visited, and accommodating when we asked for impromptu toilet breaks or time extension at certain stops. Our hours and hours of coach journey were never dull as we were well-accompanied by his awesome historical sharing of the sights we were going to visit. With Eddie around, we had almost nothing to worry!This trip is successful because of him and my fabulous tour members who are all buddies by now!
Melinda Toh-Ng
Our 10days 7 night tour to Eastern Europe from 24/3 to 2/4/2018 was leaded by Mr. Ricky Woo, he had proved himself to be a responsible and good tour leader by providing all the excellent service to us. I would also like to thank him for taking care of one of our tour member who has fall down & break his backbone.
Lily Sim
Thanks EU for your tour Manager Ricky Woo. Thumbs up for him . He did an excellent job and take good care of all of us. Thank you Ricky!
Mary Cin
We are warmly welcome by our tour guide Mr Ricky Woo, he is a friendly and committed tour guide, he ever work extra miles to assist one of our tour member to hospital injured during our tour. We truely appreciate his tour guide services, we all had a very happy and enjoyable 10 D7N Eastern Europe Trip from 24/3-02/4/2018. Many thanks again and highly recommended for sure.
Carmenta Chong
我们东马十八人參加了三月二十四日至四月二号东欧團,万分感谢我们的领队Ricky Woo这十天对我们细心的照顾,谢谢你这十天盡心盡力为我们解决所有难题,再次代表我们东马砂朥越古晋團友说声谢谢你。
Leejun Chong
Joon Chai
Had a wonderful time in Europe with the amazingly planned itinerary guided by ricky. Really enjoyed my week travelling with my Son and Daughter in law, would recommend to everybody!
Margaret Seow
本来参加了这么长(13天)的旅游团原本有点担心!怕冷的我要到雪山上去玩雪橇,简直无法想像!还好我们的导遊RICARDO 是一个细心又知识渊博的人,不但教我们怎么穿防风防冷的衣服还教我们怎么穿围巾,让我们不会着凉又有时尚感!每天出发之前他都会送上羌片和蜜饯,让人感觉很窝心�总之这趟旅行让我觉得超值又开心
Tan Poh Hong
2018年3月24日一一4月2日我們參加了欧美假期安排的東欧精选游旅行团,整個行程安排很好!我們很满意,在此我們要特別感謝我們的领队Ricky Woo,他業務知识和能力很強,在整個行程中坚持用双語讲解和解释行程安排!热心的照顧到每一位团友的需要。让我们倍感溫馨和亲切,行程中欢歌笑語充滿了歡樂。回程转机领队还是热心的帶領我們直到新加坡机場才和我們依依握別!这样的好領队我們必需点贊!我們曾多次參加歐洲假期旅行团,每次都是很好的體驗!歐美假期有這麼好的假期和領队以後我們还会參加。
Kangping Lu
第一次报名EU的这个团都是参考了很多review都说很好,tour manager 都很有经验,所以才报的名,怎么知道这次的旅程你们派出来的tour manager 这么没有经验,还是从马来西亚调过来的就因为你们有旅游展所以就随便派个人过来吗?我们也是付了这么多的旅费,受到这种待遇对我们很不公平..她根本就没有做足资料也不会说话,根本没有做什么讲解.时间安排上也不好,今天的行程还没过就说明天后天的行程,让我们很混乱。有很多事都没有交待清楚,总之就是对EU的印象大大的減分了,非常的失望。还好我们这次的团大家都很好很合作。这是我唯一欣慰的。总之我希望你们EU要训练好tour manager才可以出来带团,要不然会影响到你们声誉的.希望接下来不要有类似的事再发生了.我也希望下次有机会的话再报名你们的团如果在这方面有改善的话.谢谢.
Jasmine Ng
This was my first time joining group tour. Thanks to our tour manager- Ricardo, he has led the group very well.The trip was well-organised, smoothly and fun under the excellent leading of Ricardo. He is very friendly and professional. Ricardo take good care for all of us during the trip. Really appreciate and thanks for all the caring and joyful he brings to us.Thanks to Ricardo and all our lovely group members for giving me this wonderful and memorable time.
Joanna Ong